D.C. 大澳博app公会常务委员会

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D.C. 酒吧 is done by the committees listed below. 这些委员会成员的任命以及主席的任命由大澳博app公会主席经理事会确认后作出. The exceptions are the 澳博app/客户仲裁委员会, 法律操守委员会, and 职业行为准则 Review Committee, which are elected by the 董事会 of Governors.

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The 审计委员会 provides independent oversight of D.C. 酒吧和D.C. 酒吧公益中心’s financial reporting, 内部控制, 以及审计功能, on behalf of the 董事会 of Governors of D.C. 澳博app和D.C. 酒吧公益中心.


The 预算委员会 assists the 董事会 of Governors of D.C. 澳博app和D.C. 澳博app事务所公益中心在其职责范围内作出拨款和授权从D .的资金支付.C. 酒吧和D.C. 酒吧公益中心(统称, the “Organization”) by overseeing the preparation of, 以及对, the Organization’s operating and capital project budgets. 该委员会帮助确定和分配资源,以满足组织和计划目标,并履行董事会的受托责任,负责任地使用会员执照费.


执行委员会获授权行使署长的所有权力及履行署长的所有职责.C. 澳博app公会理事会 (“董事会”) between the regular 董事会 meetings, 但委员会不得, 除非董事会另有授权, (a)修订附例, (b) make rules or regulations governing nominations or elections, or (c) initiate the taking of any referendum or poll of members of the 酒吧. The committee shall also perform such duties as called upon by the 董事会.


The 投资委员会 assists the 董事会 of Governors of D.C. 澳博app和D.C. 酒吧 Pro Bone Center in its duty to oversee D.C. 酒吧和D.C. 酒吧公益中心的(集体, the “Organization”) investment matters by monitoring, 回顾, and reporting on the Organization’s investment activities and performance; as well as on the activities, 服务, 以及由本组织聘用的任何独立投资顾问提供或协助的意见.


The 检查委员会 recommends to the 董事会 of Governors of D.C. 酒吧 the appointment of qualified individuals to serve on certain D.C. 酒吧 committees and Commissions or boards of organizations to which D.C. 酒吧 is statutorily mandated to appoint or recommend members. 委员会建议任命合格的个人到下列实体工作:

  1. 社区法律服务项目
  2. D.C. 司法提名委员会
  3. D.C. Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure
  4. 澳博app/客户仲裁委员会
  5. 职业行为准则 Review Committee
  6. 法律操守委员会
  7. 哥伦比亚特区澳博app基金会
  8. 专业责任委员会
  9. 客户保障基金



澳博app/客户仲裁委员会(ACAB)负责监督收费仲裁服务,其中包括自愿调解计划. The Fee Arbitration Service has jurisdiction over disputes about fees paid, charged or claimed for legal 服务 between attorneys and their clients. It includes a mandatory program for attorneys when named as respondents, 在当事人签订争议前协议的情况下,被指定为被申请人的客户,在协议符合的情况下对费用纠纷进行仲裁 法律伦理意见. 它还包括一个自愿项目,即在双方之间没有关于如何处理费用纠纷的争议前协议的情况下,将客户指定为被告. ACAB由11名成员组成,其中7名是澳博app,4名是非澳博app. The ACAB holds approximately five to six committee meetings, 一次仲裁员培训, and one arbitrator and mediator appreciation reception per year.


The 审计委员会 provides independent oversight of D.C. 酒吧和D.C. 酒吧公益中心’s financial reporting, 内部控制, 以及审计功能, on behalf of the 董事会 of Governors of D.C. 澳博app和D.C. 酒吧公益中心.


The 公益委员会 advises the 董事会 of Directors of D.C. 酒吧公益中心 and provides voluntary oversight of D.C. 酒吧公益中心的活动包括, 但不限于, 它的诊所, 项目, 项目, 社区外展活动, 筹款活动, 以及财务事务.


The 预算委员会 assists the 董事会 of Governors of D.C. 澳博app和D.C. 澳博app事务所公益中心在其职责范围内作出拨款和授权从D .的资金支付.C. 酒吧和D.C. 酒吧公益中心(统称, the “Organization”) by overseeing the preparation of, 以及对, the Organization’s operating and capital project budgets. 该委员会帮助确定和分配资源,以满足组织和计划目标,并履行董事会的受托责任,负责任地使用会员执照费.


The 社区委员会 oversees the operation of D.C. 澳博app社区计划旨在促进澳博app协会成员的专业发展和能力.C. 酒吧通过提供高质量的教育节目和专业的网络机会. The committee serves as a liaison entity between D.C. 澳博app公会理事会 and the voluntary 社区; ensures compliance of 社区 and their steering committees with 社区 Policies and Procedures; and advises D.C. 酒吧 社区 staff on governance and programming.


继续法律教育委员会监督哥伦比亚澳博app继续法律教育计划和D .必修课程的教育组成部分.C. 职业行为准则 and District of Columbia Practice. The committee evaluates course proposals, 发展课程思路, and recommends course chairs and faculty members.


执行委员会获授权行使署长的所有权力及履行署长的所有职责.C. 澳博app公会理事会 (“董事会”) between the regular 董事会 meetings, 但委员会不得, 除非董事会另有授权, (a)修订附例, (b) make rules or regulations governing nominations or elections, or (c) initiate the taking of any referendum or poll of members of the 酒吧. The committee shall also perform such duties as called upon by the 董事会.


The 投资委员会 assists the 董事会 of Governors of D.C. 澳博app和D.C. 酒吧 Pro Bone Center in its duty to oversee D.C. 酒吧和D.C. 酒吧公益中心的(集体, the “Organization”) investment matters by monitoring, 回顾, and reporting on the Organization’s investment activities and performance; as well as on the activities, 服务, 以及由本组织聘用的任何独立投资顾问提供或协助的意见.


(Previously Regulations/规则/董事会 Procedures Committee)

管理委员会审查哥伦比亚特区上诉法院管辖哥伦比亚特区澳博app的规则, D.C. 澳博app章程,以及D.C. 酒吧 会员 Manual and proposes changes as needed. The committee reviews other policies and procedures of D.C. 酒吧和D.C. 酒吧公益中心 upon request of the 董事会 of Governors of D.C. 澳博app或董事会的D.C. 酒吧公益中心.


The 检查委员会 recommends to the 董事会 of Governors of D.C. 酒吧 the appointment of qualified individuals to serve on certain D.C. 酒吧 committees and Commissions or boards of organizations to which D.C. 酒吧 is statutorily mandated to appoint or recommend members. 委员会建议任命合格的个人到下列实体工作:

  1. 社区法律服务项目
  2. D.C. 司法提名委员会
  3. D.C. Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure
  4. 澳博app/客户仲裁委员会
  5. 职业行为准则 Review Committee
  6. 法律操守委员会
  7. 哥伦比亚特区澳博app基金会
  8. 专业责任委员会
  9. 客户保障基金


The 法律实践创新委员会, formerly called the Global Legal Practice Committee, 研究全球化在法律实践中产生的问题,这些问题对法律实践产生重大影响.C. 澳博app公会及其会员. 该委员会就在美国和国外不断变化的获取和提供法律服务的模式提出建议. These models include but are not limited to, 替代法律服务提供者, 业务结构, 多学科的实践, non-traditional financing of law practice operations, 以及保护法律服务消费者的监管创新.


司法评估委员会通过在线调查工具对哥伦比亚特区上诉法院和哥伦比亚特区高等法院的选定法官进行年度保密评估. 委员会的目的是为D创建一个公平、安全和匿名的工具.C. 解析:选D.C. Court judges and to provide that feedback to the Chief Judges of D.C. 法院与法院.C. Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. 委员会使用独立顾问来管理调查,以简化调查过程,并提供安全和匿名的评估方法, thus encouraging candid responses and reaching a broader participant pool.


澳博app援助计划(LAP)帮助滥用药物的个人, 心理健康(包括压力), 以及影响他们职业或个人生活的情感问题. The LAP’s 服务 are available to members of D.C. 酒吧, judges serving on any court located within District of Columbia, 申请入读D.C. 酒吧, 以及在哥伦比亚特区的法学院就读的法学院学生,如果他们已经表示有意申请D.C. 酒吧会员. Members of the 澳博app协助委员会 address policy issues, 帮助外联, and identify ways to improve the program.


领导力发展委员会负责监督哥伦比亚特区澳博app约翰佩顿领导力学院(“学院”)及其教育组成部分. 该委员会协助学院的推广和招聘,并在D内培养学院校友的持续领导力发展.C. 澳博app协会和法律界. 该委员会还评估需要、发展和促进额外的领导力培训机会.


法律道德操守委员会就根据《澳博app下载网》提出的问题发表正式意见.C. 职业行为准则. D.C. 澳博app协会理事会通常任命具有法律道德经验的澳博app,包括教学经验, 为某人的公司或代理提供建议的, writing and/or serving on a related committee.


提名委员会根据《哥伦比亚特区澳博app章程》规定的程序向会员提交候选人名单. The committee actively recruits and solicits well-qualified and eligible D.C. 澳博app公会成员被提名竞选联邦储备银行理事会理事.C. 澳博app和D.C. 酒吧公益中心 the American 酒吧 Association House of Delegates.

职业行为准则 Review Committee

The 职业行为准则 Review Committee reviews D.C. 《澳博app下载网》(“D.C. 规则”). On its own initiative, or upon request by the 董事会 of Governors of D.C. 澳博app协会(“董事会”)的成员.C. 酒吧, 法院, 或者公众, 委员会审查一项或多项规则,并可向董事会提出建议. 该委员会还审查美国澳博app协会提出和通过的《美国澳博app协会职业行为示范规则》的修改,并考虑可能需要修改《澳博app协会职业行为示范规则》的相关发展或事件.C. 规则.



The 公益委员会 advises the 董事会 of Directors of D.C. 酒吧公益中心 and provides voluntary oversight of D.C. 酒吧公益中心的活动包括, 但不限于, 它的诊所, 项目, 项目, 社区外展活动, 筹款活动, 以及财务事务.
